Starving Elf Seeks Reputable Employment

Started by proxie, April 02, 2005, 03:28:18 PM

Quote from: "proxie"
I like the idea of a two sentence blurb though, perhaps at character creation, informing pc's with less than 3 <insert low number here> PC's that the race they have chosen has some IC difficulties that may be frustrating to overcome. And perhaps even mentioning what those difficulties are... Dwarves that nobody can understand and elves that nobody human will hire because the IC opinion is that they're all thieves.

I think the idea of blurbification is good, but attempting to limit it by characters or hours played is an unnecesary complication.  It won't do any harm for an experienced player to see the blurb, right?  

Many games blurb every race and class choice.  You select your race and a short blurb comes up describing them and their place in that gameworld, and then asks if you are sure Y/N, if you select Y you go on to the next step, if you select N you go back to the race selection screen.  It wouldn't replace reading the docs, but it could act as a little reminder.  The blurbs for difficult non-karma races could all end with "Not recomended for new players."

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "proxie"Yack yack yack! Let me make myself perfectly clear!

In no way ever was I trying to say "Oh, poor elves... they're so put upon and discriminated upon. Clan leaders should break roleplay and find a job for the elves and dwarves of the world, despite their clan docs stating in big bold-faced size 28 font that such critters aren't hireable."

Dwarves are hireable.  In fact, dwarves make the perfect employee in some cases.  That doesn't mean your human PC has to like the dwarf and want to go out drinking with them on their day off, but there is no social stigma assosiated with dwarves, at least no stigma powerful enough that hiring them would be frowned upon.

The thing about "hiring" elves is, you don't really hire them.  But that doesn't mean you don't use them -- preferably more than they use you, though not everyone is smart that way.  Generally speaking, elves & everyone else (including elves from other tribes) who exchange goods or services with them, learn reasonably quickly that there is a lot of mutual mistrust.  So... any deals made usually take that into consideration (payment -after- services, collateral, proof of action, proof of accurate information, etc. etc.).

But, putting an elf on a regular salary is.. less common.  At least unless you have something fairly unique & important to one to offer in exchange -- in which case they'll probably just try to steal it instead.  Yet...maybe what the -elf- offers is still worth it.

i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

Here, I've got some good input as I was in the newbie's situation pretty well here. I beleive my first three pcs were humans...under 1day of play or so :).

My first pc that lived was an elf...sad thing was he was a rinther elf. Warrior too. I didn't play in the rinth as I didnt find any pcs...they were probally slightly scarce at the time, (although they are ALMOST always considerably less in quanity up there), I also didn't know how to find them like I could now.

Ended up being a tavern sitter who never trained his skills because I found no way of sparring...and yet...I do beleive I played well enough in twinkery to not go into the rinth to kill things, or go outside to kill things. I played off some of my naivety as being a slightly insane elf. :/. I really was just naive.

Eventually, someone got me involved in a little bit of a plot. Kakinuma was his name...good name...maybe I'l have to use it again :).

I had fun with him. I didn't get involved in much with him. Newbie elves are likely to be bad...newbie rinthers are destined to be bad.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Bestatte"Can't blame the clan leaders for sticking to the docs. And the docs say CLEARLY that elves aren't generally hireable by human-run Houses and government positions. There are exceptions, but I can't imagine any Oash hiring an elf, and I would take issue to anyone who tries to tell me that I should.

I never said anything about hiring an elf.  Finding a job for an elf is what I said.

If all you want to do with an elf is kill it then indeed you should not be allowed to play an Allanaki templar.  Or a Tuluki templar for the matter.

Quote from: "Cuusardo"I disagree. There are already more than enough desert elf tribes, and people aren't even using the coded ones because a bunch of people playing desert elves want to make their own tribes.

City elves, MAYBE. But I really don't think there need to be any more tribes.

How is it fair that there are ten clans that are almost exclusively human-oriented and for the most part have proven themselves to be TOTALLY incapable of providing any meaningful interaction for elves of either brand, while on the other hand there are two clans for desert elves and no clans for city elves.

Oh wait, I know the answer to that one.  It isn't.  The clan setup is horribly, horribly skewed.

I can't remember the last time I've seen a city elf in Allanak.  Sometimes I wonder why players are even given the option to play one when both players and staff seem determined to make them as unplayable as possible.
Back from a long retirement

There are definitely more than two clans for desert elves, and at least two for city elves.  The reason you haven't seen a city elf in Allanak is because you aren't looking in the right place.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"...there are two clans for desert elves and no clans for city elves...

There are more than two clans for desert elves.  I think the desert elf should be left out of this discussion anyway, first they are not accessible to new players.  Second, if played correctly, they should not be trying to get hired.

There are two clans readily open to city elves, that is the byn and Kurac.  No one said things were supposed to be easy or equitable.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Quote from: "Bestatte"Can't blame the clan leaders for sticking to the docs. And the docs say CLEARLY that elves aren't generally hireable by human-run Houses and government positions. There are exceptions, but I can't imagine any Oash hiring an elf, and I would take issue to anyone who tries to tell me that I should.

I never said anything about hiring an elf.  Finding a job for an elf is what I said.

If all you want to do with an elf is kill it then indeed you should not be allowed to play an Allanaki templar.  Or a Tuluki templar for the matter.

It would -really- help a whole lot ERS, if you would respond to what I actually say rather than what you have chosen to interpret. Please find in my post this mysterious quote that says anything about what I *want* to do with an elf.

I don't want to do anything with an elf, personally. And if I had a templar character he/she probably wouldn't want to do anything with an elf either. But my understanding of the docs - not my interpretation, but rather what I actually that the Militia doesn't hire elves. And so, the only thing I could come up with (please read this - the only thing I could come up with, NOT the only thing I want to do) regarding an elf who came to my templar asking for a job..would be to stick him in the arena.

I'm sure there are plenty of other things I could think of if I was interested in giving it more thought. That was the only thing I could come up with at the time of that post.

Furthermore, you're a helper, not an IMM. What I -should- and -should not- play isn't your decision to make, so it would make me feel really warm and cuddly inside if you would kindly refrain from such judgements.


The militia doesn't knowingly ( :twisted: )hire elves INTO the be miltia.

Could hire them to move bodies...could hire them as informats...could hire them as professional arrow catchers...Use your imagination.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Dracul"The militia doesn't knowingly ( :twisted: )hire elves INTO the be miltia.

Could hire them to move bodies...could hire them as informats...could hire them as professional arrow catchers...Use your imagination.

I agree that this is the case and the beauty of City Elves in some ways but it involves a level of understanding of the game that is most likely beyond the newbie elf sitting in a bar asking for a job that the OP referenced.

True. Very true.

Newbie elf...hmm. Newbie elves are rarely useful.

Newbie humans, if cautious enough can still train up their skills over time and guided employment supervision...and slowly have the game taught to them.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Bestatte"What I -should- and -should not- play isn't your decision to make, so it would make me feel really warm and cuddly inside if you would kindly refrain from such judgements.

I won't.  My judgements are my own.

I'm not going to continue posting in this thread though.  Unfortunately I don't have enough time to argue with everyone I disagree with.  Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Back from a long retirement