Boredom and Races

Started by Cold_Dark_Aurora, November 27, 2004, 05:40:24 PM

Well, with the MUD down for updates, I am bored. :)  So what do I do?
Run to the forums of course!

And for lack of anything else to do, I'm going to ask something stupid
and wait to see what kind of entertaining replies I get.

We have humans and elves and dwarves (oh my!).  Humans and
elves can mate and produce fertile offspring called half-elves, and
humans and dwarves can mate to produce sterile offspring called
muls.  So, like, what would happen if a dwarf and elf tried to get
it on?  

And what is the offspring of a half-elf called, if one mated with
either a human or elf.  Or a dwarf.  Can you half a half-elvish mul?

And no wonder mantises are so pissy towards the other races, running
around chewing on their legs and stuff.  They don't get anything.  Half-
giants probably don't dwell on these sorts of things, and halflings are
just meanies.  Nobody likes them.

Quote from: "Cold_Dark_Aurora"
And no wonder mantises are so pissy towards the other races, running
around chewing on their legs and stuff.  They don't get anything.
Half-giants probably don't dwell on these sorts of things, and halflings are
just meanies.  Nobody likes them.

Hehe! ^_^

They probly do not need to "get it on" and why is "getting it on" on your mind all of a sudden? ~hides~

Anonymous kank indeed. :P

You stink of Yokunama!

Find out can't, its completely virtual what pops out of the

Oh well, your trapped in the mud paradox.


Okay, that's it.

My next dwarven focus will be to run around and capture the most fertile, strong, and intelligent examples of each race and begin performing experiments!!

I can see it now.  Sorcerer-King Kennels.  Yes.

Its not a paradox.  You do the deed, then about two and a half months IG later you wish up "Hey, my dwarf woman kanked an elf about two and a half months ago.  Whats about to come out?"

Quote from: "wizturbo"Find out can't, its completely virtual what pops out of the

Oh well, your trapped in the mud paradox.

If there were such things.... you know they would have provided some kind of information about "crossbreeding" on in the information section of the website, wizturbo.

**To Post Above***
Erm... a large cheese pizza comes out!

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

You never know when an imm might just become evil and make you
pop out this evil mutant thing that eats your head as it emerges into
the world, then turning to rampage across the desert and destroy
one of the citystates.   And can I get pepperoni on that?

The product of a half-elf and an elf or human would be considered a half-elf, with "half" meaning - some combination thereof, and definitely not pure elf or pure human.

There would be no product of a dwarf and an elf. Both are mammals, kinda like how cats and dogs are both mammals. But you can't interbreed a cat and a dog. It just wouldn't work. Furthermore, I can't imagine any instance where an elf would -want- to kank a dwarf, or vice versa. Each would probably find its opposite to be thoroughly unattractive. That's my two sids on the matter, in any case.

Ah, bah!  Come on, show some adventurous curiosity!

The fact that elves and humans and humans and dwarves can
interbreed suggests at least some similar genetic coding.

It could be like how lions, leopards, and tigers can all breed to
one another.  They sure as hell don't like it, but they can.

Besides, I feel sorry for the elf population when a strong
dwarf hits Zalanthis and decides his focus is to be kank one of
them up. :P

Cold_Dark_Aurora wrote:
QuoteSo, like, what would happen if a dwarf and elf tried to get
it on?
It would probably be extremely awkward, a little painful, and later, very hot.
But if you mean what sort of child would be spawned from their relationship... well, here's my theory.
If an elf and dwarf made succesful whoopie, I think you'd get a mul. Let me explain.
Elves and humans can produce fertile offspring (half-elves). This means that, technically, they are the same species, just with extreme differences. Sort of like different breeds of dog, with half-elves being mutts.
Dwarves are not of the same species as humans and elves, but they are similar enough on a genetic level to make an offspring, albeit an infertile one. This is not unheard of on Earth, the classic example being a horse and donkey (two different species that have different numbers of chromosomes) creating a mule.
My point is, if humans and elves are the same species, and if humans can produce infertile offspring with dwarves, then we can conclude that elves can also produce infertile offspring with dwarves.
Why don't we hear about it as much, do you ask? I think because its impractical. Most muls, with very few exceptions, are bred for slavery. I'm sure that back in Borsail's forming years they experimented with other races for mul breeding, and they must have ultimately decided that humans were the best race to mix with dwarves for creating muls. Elven mothers, with their weak constitutions, probably would have had a difficult time carrying the mul child through the full gestation period. Miscarriages and disease would've been common. Also, you have to consider that the dwarven traits and elven traits of the parents would effectively cancel each other out. If a dwarf and elf had a child, the result would be (one could assume) a slightly faster, but weaker and less hearty mul. Basically, an infertile, funny-looking human. What good is that to a slaver?
Then you have to consider the accessability of slaves for breeding. Elven slaves are notoriously hard to keep. With elven culture being what it is, and placing a strong, almost fanatical emphasis on tribe and family, it would be difficult to break up an elven family and sell them off to different masters. You'd either have to sell an entire tribe (who has the money for that?) or break them up and accept the risk of suicide or escape attempts. Even an elven orphan would most likely, during his time working for a master, begin to consider either his master or some of his fellow slaves to be part of his 'tribe', and would fight furiously against any attempts to seperate him from them.
And, of course, a facility running on elven slaves would have to do a really good job hiding the 'sid.
Therefore, with elves being impractical for mul breeding, the slavers turned to their only other option: humans. It would have proved much more efficient and profitable, and elf-dwarf match ups would have been all but phased out.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Wow, you really put thought into that. XD

I am awed.


What about halflings? :)

Isn't the mix between dwarves and elves human?
I have always thought that.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Which came first, the human, dwarf, elf or egg?

Quote from: "Dentrik"Which came first, the human, dwarf, elf or egg?

The dwarf came over to the elf's house, and they "got it on".
The elf cooked the dwarf some eggs next morning.
The human came from the new elf mommy a week later.  :lol:

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Quote from: "Cold_Dark_Aurora"
And what is the offspring of a half-elf called, if one mated with
either a human or elf.  Or a dwarf.  Can you half a half-elvish mul?

Well, you'd have to find this out IC, but my hypothesis is that a half-elf is a cross-breed and on planet Earth, usually cross-breeds can't reproduce, but Arm may be different. Find out IC!

Quote from: "FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit"Cold_Dark_Aurora wrote:
QuoteSo, like, what would happen if a dwarf and elf tried to get
it on?

If an elf and dwarf made succesful whoopie, I think you'd get a mul. Let me explain.

I suggest we call it a mulf.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I'm guessing muls earned their name in that we someone along the line didn't want to have a Mule pc.
Veteran Newbie

I seem to recall someone posting about how this works in the DarkSun universe, which is of course completely unrelated to us.  ;)

1.  Mul is pronounced exactly the same as mule.  This is important for people wanting to roleplay amature bards and poor poets, because Mul rhymes with Tool, Fool and Ghoul, but not Lull, Mull or Cull.   I pity the Fool, who don't feed his Mul.  Ahem.

2.  In Darksun there are elf/dwarf cross-breeds, but they are much more rare than muls.  They are called dwelves, but this would be problematic here because people would confuse dwelf and delf on the GDB, and nobody wants to have to start typing out "desert" instead of "d."    Anyway, dwelfs are supposed to be stronger, hardier and faster than humans, getting the best of both parents, but they are probably even more unstable than muls.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

This was posted in "Ask the Staff" from the elven/dwarven breed post recently.

From Savak:
Because IC'ly no-one has ever heard of such a thing.

So if they exist, they're so rare that no-one knows about them. And if they don't exist, well, no-one knows about them. Bottom line is, no-one knows of such a thing. Therefore we don't have them in the game.

In other words, I'm not going to tell you that there's some genetic incompatibility preventing conception, or that dwarven mothers always resorb such a fetus, or that elven mothers & child always die, or whatever. Only that no-one really knows of such a thing in Zalanthas (tooth-fairie-like stories possibly excluded).


From Halaster:
Besides, none of the name combinations sound good, they all sound stupid:


gofmk :wink:
he love that you have found is the love that you can never find, because it's the love that is never able to be found.

How about ewe?
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime