Merchant Houses with Coin...

Started by Flint, August 26, 2004, 09:20:45 AM

Quote from: "Twilight"From my experience it is impossible to bankrupt a shopkeeper until reboot a week later.
I can think of several that (very few players if) any use to buy from, but are religiously emptied of coin every boot.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Interesting.  I based my observations on merchants that no other player would transact with during the week, rather than the more used merchants.  So, as I said, perhaps they are set up differently.  Or you are observing well used merchants and the other players dealings with them obscure how it all works.  *shrug*
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Since we can't interact with NUMEROUS VNPCs as well as numerous VNPC Merchants, why not raise the amount of coinage the merchant houses and merchants are able to pay out for various items?  That's a fair trade off.

Quote from: "Anonymous Gortok"Since we can't interact with NUMEROUS VNPCs as well as numerous VNPC Merchants, why not raise the amount of coinage the merchant houses and merchants are able to pay out for various items?  That's a fair trade off.

The VNPC merchants spend their coin buying from the VNPC crafters and VNPC hunters, so it isn't like there is an untapped pool of virtual money out there somewhere.  Sure, since I sell things to NPC merchants I'd be personally happy if they gave me more money, but I'm not sure if it would be good for the game overall.  In order for those merchants to still make a profit they would also have to raise the price they charge when selling things  (especially when dealing people with a high barter skill, who can already get the selling price very close to the buying price).  So then you have inflation and the devalueing of the obsidian coin.  You'd still have to sell 47 scrab shells to get that new ivory longsword, but your bank balance would be larger and your purse heavier (coins do add to your encumberance).  That would be a little irritating.  It would hurt newbies the most, since there newbie money wouldn't go as far (unless they also increased the amount of newbie money).  People that are new to the game can already go through all their newbie money very quickly, because they don't know what things are important.  It is sad to see a newbie ranger with a bow and a fancy pair of pants, but no money for arrows or a mount.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I'm not talking about getting more money for a certain item that I try to sell, I'm talking about GETTING the money the merchant AGREES on when you use barter.  It's frustrating to barter with a merchant, get him up to a price you like, then he tells you that he doesn't have the coin to make the purchase.  Also, since there are fewer shops that we can deal with, the ones we have should be willing to buy a few more of the items that we're selling, to help make up for the shops we can't sell to.  Hopefully this won't be to IC, but I have an item that sells for over 1200 'sid in Allanak, I buy the item up in Tuluk for less than 400, but I can't sell it in 'Nak for more than 100, even though he'll turn around and sell it for over 1200.  Let's raise some of the shops willingness to pay more 'sid for certain items of worth.  Also, if you barter with them, and they say they'll pay a certain amount, you shouldn't get the  message that they don't have the coin.  That's just wrong and annoying.

QuoteSome shops appear to load with no coins at all, so they only have money after someone buys something. There isn't anything wrong in that per se, but if the goods they have to sell are so expensive that people rarely buy anything (for example if they sell, say, bows for twice the price of any other shop in the known world) then they never have any money. No PC wants to spend money on over-priced goods there, so the shopkeeper is unable to do buisness at all. If you _really_ want to sell that merchant something, then you will first have to buy products from him, perhaps products that you can then re-sell to another merchant. You won't make as much money that way, but sometimes it is the only way to get rid of a valuable item no one can afford to buy.

(Sorry, alittle off topic.) Well, if your gunna buy from the merchant to sell him something, you could just trade your good for the thing that you were going to buy. Theres actually a coded way to do that...though I havn't found a reason to do that lately, except, maybe in a situation like this.