One Borsail Noble Position Available

Started by Naiona, August 18, 2004, 07:38:58 PM

Extraordinary applications are being accepted for one Borsail noble position.

Most important is the wish to play in a conniving, sneaky, dastardly, arrogant noble house with too much money, too many (ic) busybodies scrutinizing your dress, attitude and activities and a lot of scheming and plotting going on.

Applicants should also not have any recent bad comments, and ideally should not be in a sensitive role currently, where retirement would take something away from the game.  You must have a fairly significant amount of time to offer the role and be willing to act as a clan leader - which can mean making yourself available during prime time hours and keeping your underlings busy and panicked..err..busy.

In addition, those applying should have some experience with Allanaki social roleplay and be at least somewhat acquainted with the noble structure in the city. The character proposed should have Borsail traits which include fairly light skin and hair, a trend toward long, romanesque names .

One past player of a Borsail noble said, "My time with Borsail was extremely enjoyable and very entertaining.  Having so much coin to spend was a dream that was very tough to fulfill."

Another past player was heard to say, "I'm pretty sure Naiona was trying to eat my brainz.  I got out of there as quickly as possible."

Those wishing to join the ranks of the ultra-rich and powerful are encouraged to send their questions and application proposals to and cc'd to and and sometime soon.  Please include your account name in any correspondence.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

This position is filled. Thanks to everyone who applied.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.