Watch Command

Started by Sephiroto, November 12, 2002, 09:55:02 PM

I was thinking after watching a crafter successfully craft using a skill that I have.  IRL if I watch someone paint a picture or do something, I usually can pick up a bit.  Now, I think that you could have a command called watch and when used, you could watch, learning a small to considerable piece of knowledge.  Of course as in real life you would only learn theory through watching and can only advance your skills to the next teir ( point in which you can learn more by watching) by first hand experience.

I don't know, I don't think it's necessary. If they're actively teaching you then they should use teach command, if your watching them from afar well you know what tools they use and have an idea on what items were involved by their emotes.

This doesn't help you if you can't do it anyway, but then again, watching someone do something means you won't be able to do it perfectly.

I can see your point, but I just don't think it's needed.

Personally, "watch" in IRL screws me up pretty badly if I'm not good at whatever it is, like if I'm trying to learn, say painting, and I watch uber-painter, and try to imitate him, my stuff's going to look like ass and a half. I know, I did this when I started drawing (And it still looks like crap as a result ;->)

Well Tony, the reason that I thought a watch command would be a nice addition is that I have the totally opposite effect.  When I watched an uber-painter in artclass, I picked up a whole lot.  The same comes into play as I watch people work on a construction site, which is my weekend job.  I guess that mindset if only for certain people.  Maybe, if anyone agrees, watch could be a skill given to those of more intelligent races and/or classes.

What's the motivation?  As stated, if you're looking for the code to augment your skills, your tutor has teach at his/her disposal. Unless you're talking about jumping from visibility in order to spy on someone's mechanics, I think any "lesson" you can envision can be played out.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Watching someone in real life do something from afar doesn't usually help all that much. I sit there doodling in front of my boyfriend and he sits there and watches me and he still can't draw a stick figure straight. Giving someone a lesson in what you're doing, however is a different story. "See? A body is drawn by selecting a unit of length referred to as a head, that is the size of the head. The body is eight heads in length.. between the second and third head line is where the shoulders go.. elbows are at the third..." Someone who does this automatically without drawing the lines, you don't know what's going through their head without them vocally expressing it or showing you how they actually do what they do. Hence, the teach command.
se K.Y. jelly to grease up your chihauha and set him loose in the sewers to establish a beachhead for your underground empire.

Acctually, I'm going to have to disagree that you can't learn unless actively being teached. I personally learn from watching and doing. If someone is trying to teach me something, or I'm trying to learn it from reading something, I don't learn as much, but then also I tend to break things down into basic concepts as I'm watching too, while the person talking just jabbles on and on about things not really related to learning something/remembering something/or getting better at it. They are just talking about it for no reason.

Creeper who after all that doesn't think a watch command should be implemented.
21sters Unite!

Some people learn from watching.  Some learn from listening.  Some learn from doing.

Techincally we could have a different way to learn for every type of learner, but in the same breath we could have a different coded way to draw your weapon for lefties and righties, different ways to drink for folks with cleft lips, different coded ways to skin mammels, reptiles, bugs etc etc etc.

When does it become to much?

If you want to get a skill boost, get "teach"ed.  If your just watching someone from a distance, simply pay attention.  You might learn something anyway, even if it's not an extra percentage point in basket weaving.
Quote from: ZhairaI don't really have a problem with drugs OR sex
Quote from: MansaMarc's got the best advice.
Quote from: WarriorPoetIf getting loaded and screwing is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

i personally think its a great idea
Go ahead take it what harm could it do"

A (no so serious) thought came to me as I was reading this, and I thought it was funny so...

Rather than the more intelligent races/classes being able to learn from watching, it seems to be the -best- in game at this sort of thing would be...half-giants!  At least, they naturally imitate people.  So they aren't really learning the concept etc from watching, but they would be able to imitate what they saw another person do.  Of course, a half-giant would probably do it sort of, but screw up part of it, especially if it was complicated...
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Quote from: "Marc"Some people learn from watching.  Some learn from listening.  Some learn from doing.

Techincally we could have a different way to learn for every type of learner, but in the same breath we could have a different coded way to draw your weapon for lefties and righties, different ways to drink for folks with cleft lips, different coded ways to skin mammels, reptiles, bugs etc etc etc.

When does it become to much?

If you want to get a skill boost, get "teach"ed.  If your just watching someone from a distance, simply pay attention.  You might learn something anyway, even if it's not an extra percentage point in basket weaving.
isnt watching someone something you would to if you were being taught by them?