Ah! Natural light! Get it off me, get it off me!

Started by FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit, October 30, 2002, 04:51:20 PM

I have some questions on the jail code in Allanak. I've only been in jail a few times before, and they were what I guess would be 'midemeanors', if there is such a thing in Allanak. But anyway, my character has found himself in jail again, and I need to know... Is your jail-time on  some sort of timer? And if so, is this timer dependent on the crime?

So if Joe the Pickpocket got caught dipping his hands into Wussy McCommoner's pants, he'd be hauled off to jail and released by an NPC by the next IC morning. But if the Bobby Drunkson had a fist fight or attacked some one with a weapon, he'd be hauled off and left for... How long?

Or does it only work like this for a few crimes? And the rest, the more serious crimes, require PC interaction? Or if you log out in jail, does that "reset" the timer, or totally destroy it, making it so you -need- to wait for a PC templar to let you out? Anyways, I need to know this so I don't end up twiddling my thumbs until my character wastes away... I hope some one out there can help me out :!:
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

There is a timer, due to the severity of the crime. You'll be in maybe half an hour for trying to pickpocket some schmoe, and may find yourself in cosiderably longer if you off that poor kank-selling templar. I really suggest never getting got by pc templars, they are mean and don't know the actual numbers so chances are you'll get screwed into many hours of waiting. -Not targetting any specific templar, I'm just sayin..

I found myself happily insulting a PC templar before - I was in prison, he came in, and I started insulting him in allundean... The whimp killed me, after me insulting him quite a bit - never regret that day (sniff) - but yeh, your'e right. Unless for IC reasons, dont anger PC stoneheaded templars, or die! Mwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa  :twisted:

The same character, I angered the very same templar by refusing to speak - and I spent round abouts 5 - 6 real hours in the dungeons. Talking about rediculous!

Yeah... one thing you might want to consider is that a Templar is a very scary person.  Imagine if you were in a foreign country and all of a sudden a bunch of guys in military fatigues grab you and lock you into a locked cell with two other people of your nationality.  A few hours later a guy wearing a high ranking uniform comes and shoots one of the people beside you, killing him.  He then goes over to the next guy, chops off his balls with a knife, and leaves him screaming and crying as he begins to bleed all over  the place.  He turns to you.

That point where he turns to you is the sort of fear that a Templar should inspire in most sane people, because he can do everything I just described above and far worse.  Templars do not have to be fair, just, or listen to your arguments.  Most rational humans in the above situation probably would cower and be scar shitless.  Even the bravest would be unlikely to try and see how an insult works.

I am not saying it is bad RP to go against the grain and be someone who can stand up to a Templars.  I am just saying that it is very abnormal, and unless there is a really good reason to be suicidal, it generally marks you as a newer player.  Most rational humanoids will do whatever it takes to get out of a bad situation like that and not make it worse.   Even the most bad ass and smart ass guy is likely to be at least smart enough to be terrified and not make things worse.