Liar's Dice

Started by Marauder Moe, June 17, 2015, 02:12:50 PM's_dice

More popularly known as... that dice game from Pirates of the Caribbean.

This could probably be done most easily with a new, specifically-scripted dice cup container with 5 virtual dice.

>roll cup
Rolls the current number of dice in the cup, stores the result, and echos it only to the rolling player.  Everyone else sees a more generic echo, maybe with some indication of how many dice the player is rolling.

>peek cup
Re-displays the result to the rolling player, generic "<sdesc> peeks underneath ~cup" echo for everyone else.

>reveal cup
Reveals the stored result to everyone else at the same table, or room if not at a table.

>remove dice cup
Removes one virtual dice from the cup.

>add dice cup
Adds one virtual dice to the cup, up to 5.

>reset cup
Resets the number of dice in the cup to 5.

Command emotes would also be very nice for these, or at least the first three commands.

Between the current dice code and the Kruth code, I believe this is well within the capabilities of Armageddon scripting.  Advanced versions might include the ability to use arbitrary dice and/or cups and maybe the ability to cheat a little with sleight of hand.  However, as described above is enough to play the game while still being rather simple and self-contained.