Iraqi sandstorms vs. Armageddon sandstorms

Started by Anonymous, March 25, 2003, 12:17:45 PM

How do you guys think the current sandstorms in Iraq (look at for an example picture currently up on their main page) compare to Zalanthan sandstorms?  Right now (3/25 12:15pm EST) the storms look pretty bad.

Would they be Stinging, Terrible or Blinding?

Here's a picture:

That looks "blinding" to me....

Fantastic picture, too, btw....

Terrible.  You can see in your area, but one room over is darkness.
The Artist Formerly Known as Breg

No way, blinding.  You can -definitely- not see one league away, but the current room is so sand-ridden that you can't tell who that figure is.  You can see enough to 'enter tank' or 'kill halfbreed', but not enough to 'look' and gather information.
hang is actually...