Where Players Found Us: August 2014

Started by Nyr, September 02, 2014, 10:26:47 AM

Raw data for August

Total new accounts created:  320
Duplicates (created multiple accounts out of confusion/staff accounts/etc):  0
New accounts minus the above: 320

Where people came from

(noteworthy results mentioned, some might be concurrent)

Topmudsites:  12
Themudconnector: 118
Google: 28 (note that these can probably be attributed to either TMS or TMC or may be otherwise concurrent with the above)
Search/web: 8 (these also can probably be attributed to either TMS or TMC)
Friends/other players/family/co-workers/homies:  23
Reddit:  3
Random forums:  11
TV Tropes:  1

A smattering of some miscellaneous answers:
That one fucking site.
Amen hallelujah peanut butter
Big Bang Theory   

Login data

Actual logins (created a character that was approved and they logged in):  62
1 hour or less in playtime: 18
1-2 hours of playtime:  13
2-6 hours of playtime:  15
6-20 hours of playtime:  10 (3 logged in as recently as 8/29)
20+ hours of playtime:  6 (5 logged in as recently as 8/28)

Tons more activity from TMC, which does seem to matter.

We've created a survey that goes out to the top retained players + the top unretained players.  However, this depends on having someone to actually send it out, and unfortunately, that has kinda fallen by the wayside.  This will probably resume after rotations and things settle down.

If you're one of those people above?  Feel free to chime in here!  Getting your perspective on things will hopefully help out future players.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

I'm one of the word of mouth people, hearing about the game directly from someone else (my sister).  She told me abut the game in the first place, mentioning something from the game during a night of pnp roleplaying.  There's a lot of things she says she wouldn't tell me, but she did describe the game.  She answered a lot of my general questions, and gave me simple advice (like don't go wandering around the desert - so I quickly did so after I joined and got stuck in a sandstorm).  And I looked up more things here in the GDB and helpfiles, all of which made me decide to give it a try.

Armageddon was brought up in Big Bang Theory?

Quote from: icewindsong on September 04, 2014, 10:17:44 AM
Armageddon was brought up in Big Bang Theory?

There's an episode where Sheldon plays a text adventure, not even a mud let alone Armageddon.



1.   A biped, ungrateful.

Is that laugh track always so prevalent in that show?  Annoying.  There is laughter after every single sentence.

Anyway, can you imagine if BBT actually mentioned Armageddon?  The servers would probably all die in the onslaught of thousands of people visiting the website.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Just imagine if Arm was put up in any kind of TV series or even a simple commercial. Even with things as simple as that our servers would crash because of players coming in by the masses.

Meh, we are niche thing.  It would be cool if that was possible in maybe 1990's-2000's.
i love being a nobles health points